Rename Windows Live ID account to or create alias

New Outlook

Email reinvented

Since Microsoft introduced the new email platform last summer, many of its users skipped to upgrade their mailboxes.
But why? There is no reason to not upgrade.
With you are getting “modern email designed for the next billion mailboxes” as they wrote on the official Outlook blog.

Some of the facts:
– Fresh and clean user interface;
– Header has 60% fewer pixels, therefore the reader has better visibility over the messages;
– No display ads;
– With you are connected to Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn, Google, Skype;
– It has intelligent filters which sort emails from Contacts, newsletters and Social networks updates;
– Free Office Web apps included in the service: Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote;
– has a deeper integration with SkyDrive and there are almost no constraints regarding attachments.

Most important is that your data and settings remain just same: same email address, same login credentials, all devices and clients continue to work, all contacts, folders, categories, rules etc. remain and other personalized settings as well.

How to migrate your Live ID account to new ?

If you are using an email address at, or it is very easy to upgrade. Just go to the Options menu and click Upgrade to

Upgrade from Hotmail account to

On the splash screen, pick “Upgrade to Outlook” and after a couple of seconds you’ll see the new webmail interface.
Next thing, click on the “gear” in the upper right corner and choose More mail settings: More email settings

On the next screen under Managing your account choose Create a Outlook alias or Rename your email address, depending on what you want to do with your existing email account:

Create Outlook alias or rename email address

Let’s say that your existing account is You have two choices:

  • Renaming your account to will mean that your primary email becomes for example and the old email ( becomes an alias;
  • Creating Outlook alias means to keep old email and to create an alias which means that all emails sent to your alias let’s say will be delivered into your mailbox, if you want even in the separate folder (during the initiation process it will be offered to you either to deliver email messages straight to your Inbox or to move them in separate folder named as your alias and that way to make clear distinction which ones of the emails were sent to your primary account and which ones to your alias).

Why creating aliasOpens in a new tab.? Simply because you may want to associate another “virtual” email address for the same mailbox.

Create email alias in

In my case, I’ve chosen to create alias for

Milan Mihajlov

Milan is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in Software Testing, IT Support and System Engineering. With a keen interest in AI, Smart Home technology, and useful software utilities, Milan brings a unique perspective to the ever-evolving world of technology. Through his expertise and passion, he aims to share insights and help readers navigate the complexities of modern tech seamlessly. Follow me for the latest trends, tips, and innovations in the digital landscape.

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